Table of Contents
Everything from web forums to podcatchers or even backup programs frequently use databases for persistent storage. SQL-based databases are often quite convenient: they are fast, can scale from tiny to massive sizes, can operate over the network, often help handle locking and transactions, and can even provide failover and redundancy improvements for applications. Databases come in many different shapes: the large commercial databases such as Oracle, Open Source engines such as PostgreSQL or MySQL, and even embeddable engines such as Sqlite.
Because databases are so important, Haskell support for them is important as well. In this chapter, we will introduce you to one of the Haskell frameworks for working with databases. We will also use this framework to begin building a podcast downloader, which we will further develop in Chapter 22, Extended Example: Web Client Programming.
At the bottom of the database stack is the database engine. The database engine is responsible for actually storing data on disk. Well-known database engines include PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle.
Most modern database engines support SQL, the Structured Query Language, as a standard way of getting data into and out of relational databases. This book will not provide a tutorial on SQL or relational database management. [49]
Once you have a database engine that supports SQL, you need a way to communicate with it. Each database has its own protocol. Since SQL is reasonably constant across databases, it is possible to make a generic interface that uses drivers for each individual protocol.
Haskell has several different database frameworks available, some providing high-level layers atop others. For this chapter, we will concentrate on HDBC, the Haskell DataBase Connectivity system. HDBC is a database abstraction library. That is, you can write code that uses HDBC and can access data stored in almost any SQL database with little or no modification.[50] Even if you never need to switch underlying database engines, the HDBC system of drivers makes a large number of choices available to you with a single interface.
Another database abstraction library for Haskell is HSQL, which shares a similar purpose with HDBC. There is also a higher-level framework called HaskellDB, which sits atop either HDBC or HSQL, and is designed to help insulate the programmer from the details of working with SQL. However, it does not have as broad appeal because its design limits it to certain -- albeit quite common -- database access patterns. Finally, Takusen is a framework that uses a "left fold" approach to reading data from the database.
To connect to a given database with HDBC, you need at least two packages: the generic interface, and a driver for your specific database. You can obtain the generic HDBC package, and all of the other drivers, from Hackage[51]. For this chapter, we will use HDBC version 1.1.3 for examples.
You'll also need a database backend and backend driver. For this chapter, we'll use Sqlite version 3. Sqlite is an embedded database, so it doesn't require a separate server and is easy to set up. Many operating systems already ship with Sqlite version 3. If yours doesn't, you can download it from The HDBC homepage has a link to known HDBC backend drivers. The specific driver for Sqlite version 3 can be obtained from Hackage.
If you want to use HDBC with other databases, check out the HDBC Known Drivers page at There you will find a link to the ODBC binding, which lets you connect to virtually any database on virtually any platform (Windows, POSIX, and others). You will also find a PostgreSQL binding. MySQL is supported via the ODBC binding, and specific information for MySQL users can be found in the HDBC-ODBC API documentation.
To connect to a database, you will use a connection function from a database backend driver. Each database has its own unique method of connecting. The initial connection is generally the only time you will call anything from a backend driver module directly.
The database connection function will return a database
handle. The precise type of this handle may vary from one
driver to the next, but it will always be an instance of the
typeclass. All of the functions you will use to
operate on databases will work with any type that is an
instance of IConnection
. When you're done talking to the
database, call the disconnect
function. It
will disconnect you from the database. Here's an example of
connecting to a Sqlite database:
:module Database.HDBC Database.HDBC.Sqlite3
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done. Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done. Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done. Loading package HDBC-1.1.5 ... linking ... done. Loading package HDBC-sqlite3- ... linking ... done.ghci>
:type conn
conn :: Connectionghci>
disconnect conn
Most modern SQL databases have a notion of transactions. A transaction is designed to ensure that all components of a modification get applied, or that none of them do. Furthermore, transactions help prevent other processes accessing the same database from seeing partial data from modifications that are in progress.
Many databases require you to either explicitly commit all your changes before they appear on disk, or to run in an "autocommit" mode. The "autocommit" mode runs an implicit commit after every statement. This may make the adjustment to transactional databases easier for programmers not accustomed to them, but is just a hindrance to people who actually want to use multi-statement transactions.
HDBC intentionally does not support autocommit mode. When you
modify data in your databases, you must explicitly cause it to
be committed to disk. There are two ways to do that in HDBC:
you can call commit
when you're ready to write the data to
disk, or you can use the withTransaction
function to wrap
around your modification code. withTransaction
will cause
data to be committed upon successful completion of your
Sometimes a problem will occur while you are working on
writing data to the database. Perhaps you get an error from
the database or discover a problem with the data. In these
instances, you can "roll back" your changes. This will cause
all changes you were making since your last commit
or roll
back to be forgotten. In HDBC, you can call the rollback
function to do this. If you are using withTransaction
, any
uncaught exception will cause a roll back to be issued.
Note that a roll back operation only rolls back the changes
since the last commit
, rollback
, or withTransaction
. A
database does not maintain an extensive history like a
version-control system.
You will see examples of commit
later in this chapter.
Some of the simplest queries in SQL involve statements that don't return any data. These queries can be used to create tables, insert data, delete data, and set database parameters.
The most basic function for sending queries to a database is
. This function takes an IConnection
, a String
representing the query itself, and a list of parameters.
Let's use it to set up some things in our database.
:module Database.HDBC Database.HDBC.Sqlite3
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done. Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done. Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done. Loading package HDBC-1.1.5 ... linking ... done. Loading package HDBC-sqlite3- ... linking ... done.ghci>
run conn "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER NOT NULL, desc VARCHAR(80))" []
run conn "INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (0)" []
commit conn
disconnect conn
After connecting to the database, we first created a table
called test
. Then we inserted one row of
data into the table. Finally, we committed the changes and
disconnected from the database. Note that if we hadn't called
, no final change would have been written to the
database at all.
The run
function returns the number of rows each query
modified. For the first query, which created a table, no rows
were modified. The second query inserted a single row, so
returned 1
Before proceeding, we need to discuss a data type
introduced in HDBC: SqlValue
. Since both Haskell and SQL
are strongly-typed systems, HDBC tries to preserve type
information as much as possible. At the same time, Haskell
and SQL types don't exactly mirror each other. Furthermore,
different databases have different ways of representing things
such as dates or special characters in strings.
is a data type that has a number of constructors
such as SqlString
, SqlBool
, SqlNull
, SqlInteger
, and
more. This lets you represent various types of data in
argument lists to the database, and to see various types of
data in the results coming back, and still store it all in a
list. There are convenience functions toSql
and fromSql
that you will normally use. If you care about the precise
representation of data, you can still manually construct
data if you need to.
HDBC, like most databases, supports a notion of replaceable parameters in queries. There are three primary benefits of using replaceable parameters: they prevent SQL injection attacks or trouble when the input contains quote characters, they improve performance when executing similar queries repeatedly, and they permit easy and portable insertion of data into queries.
Let's say you wanted to add thousands of rows into our new
table test
. You could issue thousands of
queries looking like INSERT INTO test VALUES (0,
. This forces the database server to parse
each SQL statement individually. If you could replace the two
values with a placeholder, the server could parse the SQL
query once, and just execute it multiple times with the
different data.
A second problem involves escaping characters. What if you wanted to
insert the string "I don't like 1"
? SQL uses
the single quote character to show the end of the field. Most
SQL databases would require you to write this as 'I
don''t like 1'
. But rules for other special
characters such as backslashes differ between databases.
Rather than trying to code this yourself, HDBC can handle it
all for you. Let's look at an example.
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
run conn "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)" [toSql 0, toSql "zero"]
commit conn
disconnect conn
The question marks in the INSERT query in this example are the
placeholders. We then passed the parameters that are going to
go there. run
takes a list of SqlValue
, so we used
to convert each item into an SqlValue
automatically handled conversion of the String
into the appropriate representation
for the database in use.
This approach won't actually achieve any performance benefits when inserting large amounts of data. For that, we need more control over the process of creating the SQL query. We'll discuss that in the next section.
HDBC defines a function prepare
that will prepare a SQL
query, but it does not yet bind
the parameters to the query. prepare
returns a
representing the compiled query.
Once you have a Statement
, you can do a number of things
with it. You can call execute
on it one or more times.
After calling execute
on a query that returns data, you can
use one of the fetch functions to retrieve that data.
Functions like run
and quickQuery'
use statements and
internally; they are simply shortcuts to let you
perform common tasks quickly. When you need more control over
what's happening, you can use a Statement
instead of a
function like run
Let's look at using statements to insert multiple values with a single query. Here's an example:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
stmt <- prepare conn "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)"
execute stmt [toSql 1, toSql "one"]
execute stmt [toSql 2, toSql "two"]
execute stmt [toSql 3, toSql "three"]
execute stmt [toSql 4, SqlNull]
commit conn
disconnect conn
In this example, we created a prepared statement and called it
. We then executed that statement four
times, and passed different parameters each time. These
parameters are used, in order, to replace the question marks
in the original query string. Finally, we commit the changes
and disconnect the database.
HDBC also provides a function executeMany
that can be useful
in situations such as this. executeMany
simply takes a list of
rows of data to call the statement with. Here's an example:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
stmt <- prepare conn "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)"
executeMany stmt [[toSql 5, toSql "five's nice"], [toSql 6, SqlNull]]
commit conn
disconnect conn
![]() | More efficient execution |
On the server, most databases will have an optimization that
they can apply to |
So far, we have discussed queries that insert or change data.
Let's discuss getting data back out of the database. The
type of the function quickQuery'
looks very similar to run
, but it
returns a list of results instead of a count of changed rows.
is normally used with SELECT statements. Let's
see an example:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
quickQuery' conn "SELECT * from test where id < 2" []
[[SqlString "0",SqlNull],[SqlString "0",SqlString "zero"],[SqlString "1",SqlString "one"]]ghci>
disconnect conn
works with replaceable parameters, as we
discussed above. In this case, we aren't using any, so the
set of values to replace is the empty list at the end of the
call. quickQuery'
returns a list of rows, where each row is itself
represented as [SqlValue]
. The values in
the row are listed in the order returned by the database. You
can use fromSql
to convert them into
regular Haskell types as needed.
It's a bit hard to read that output. Let's extend this example to format the results nicely. Here's some code to do that:
-- file: ch21/query.hs import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 (connectSqlite3) import Database.HDBC {- | Define a function that takes an integer representing the maximum id value to look up. Will fetch all matching rows from the test database and print them to the screen in a friendly format. -} query :: Int -> IO () query maxId = do -- Connect to the database conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db" -- Run the query and store the results in r r <- quickQuery' conn "SELECT id, desc from test where id <= ? ORDER BY id, desc" [toSql maxId] -- Convert each row into a String let stringRows = map convRow r -- Print the rows out mapM_ putStrLn stringRows -- And disconnect from the database disconnect conn where convRow :: [SqlValue] -> String convRow [sqlId, sqlDesc] = show intid ++ ": " ++ desc where intid = (fromSql sqlId)::Integer desc = case fromSql sqlDesc of Just x -> x Nothing -> "NULL" convRow x = fail $ "Unexpected result: " ++ show x
This program does mostly the same thing as our example with
ghci, but with a new addition: the
function. This function takes a
row of data from the database and converts it to a String
This string can then be easily printed out.
Notice how we took intid
directly, but processed
fromSql sqlDesc
as a Maybe
type. If you recall, we declared that the
first column in this table can never contain a NULL value, but
that the second column could. Therefore, we can safely ignore
the potential for a NULL in the first column, but not in the
second. It is possible to use fromSql
convert the second column to a String
directly, and it would
even work -- until a row with a NULL in that position was
encountered, which would cause a runtime exception. So, we
convert a SQL NULL value into the string
. When printed, this will be
indistinguishable from a SQL string 'NULL'
but that's acceptable for this example. Let's try calling
this function in ghci:
:load query.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( query.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main.ghci>
query 2
0: NULL 0: zero 1: one 2: two
As we discussed in the section called “Prepared Statements”, you can use statements
for reading. There are a number of ways of reading data
from statements that can be useful in certain situations.
Like run
, quickQuery'
is a convenience function that in
fact uses statements to accomplish its task.
To create a statement for reading, you use prepare
just as
you would for a statement that will be used to write data.
You also use execute
to execute it on the database
server. Then, you can use various functions to read data
from the Statement
. The fetchAllRows'
function returns
, just like quickQuery'
There is also a function called
, which converts every
column's data to a Maybe String
returning it. Finally, there is
, which returns
(String, SqlValue)
pairs for each
column. The String
is the column name as returned by the
database; see the section called “Database Metadata” for
other ways to obtain column names.
You can also read data one row at a time by calling
, which returns IO
(Maybe [SqlValue])
. It will be Nothing
if all
the results have already been read, or one row otherwise.
Back in the section called “Lazy I/O”, we talked about lazy
I/O from files. It is also possible to read data lazily
from databases. This can be particularly useful when
dealing with queries that return an exceptionally large
amount of data. By reading data lazily, you can still use
convenient functions such as
instead of having to
manually read each row as it comes in. If you are
careful in your use of the data, you can avoid having to
buffer all of the results in memory.
Lazy reading from a database, however, is more complex than reading from a file. When you're done reading data lazily from a file, the file is closed, and that's generally fine. When you're done reading data lazily from a database, the database connection is still open -- you may be submitting other queries with it, for instance. Some databases can even support multiple simultaneous queries, so HDBC can't just close the connection when you're done.
When using lazy reading, it is critically important that you finish reading the entire data set before you attempt to close the connection or execute a new query. We encourage you to use the strict functions, or row-by-row processing, wherever possible to minimize complex interactions with lazy reading.
To read lazily from a database, you use the same functions
you used before, without the apostrophe. For instance,
you'd use fetchAllRows
instead of
. The types of the lazy functions are the
same as their strict cousins.
Here's an example of lazy reading:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
stmt <- prepare conn "SELECT * from test where id < 2"
execute stmt []
results <- fetchAllRowsAL stmt
[[("id",SqlString "0"),("desc",SqlNull)],[("id",SqlString "0"),("desc",SqlString "zero")],[("id",SqlString "1"),("desc",SqlString "one")]]ghci>
mapM_ print results
[("id",SqlString "0"),("desc",SqlNull)] [("id",SqlString "0"),("desc",SqlString "zero")] [("id",SqlString "1"),("desc",SqlString "one")]ghci>
disconnect conn
Note that you could have used
here as well. However,
if you had a large data set to read, it would have consumed
a lot of memory. By reading the data lazily, we can print
out extremely large result sets using a constant amount of
memory. With the lazy version, results will be evaluated in
chunks; with the strict version, all results are read up
front, stored in RAM, then printed.
Sometimes it can be useful for a program to learn information about the database itself. For instance, a program may want to see what tables exist so that it can automatically create missing tables or upgrade the database schema. In some cases, a program may need to alter its behavior depending on the database backend in use.
First, there is a getTables
function that
will obtain a list of defined tables in a database. You can
also use the describeTable
function, which
will provide information about the defined columns in a given
You can learn about the database server in use by calling
, for instance. The
function can be used
to determine whether or not a given database supports
transactions. Let's look at an example of some of these items:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
getTables conn
proxiedClientName conn
dbServerVer conn
dbTransactionSupport conn
disconnect conn
You can also learn about the results of a specific query by
obtaining information from its statement. The
function returns
[(String, SqlColDesc)]
, a list of pairs.
The first item gives the column name, and the second provides
information about the column: the type, the size, whether it
may be NULL. The full specification is given in the HDBC API
Please note that some databases may not be able to provide all
this metadata. In these circumstances, an exception will be
raised. Sqlite3, for instance, does not support
as of this writing.
HDBC will raise exceptions when errors occur. The exceptions
have type SqlError
. They convey information from the
underlying SQL engine, such as the database's state, the error
message, and the database's numeric error code, if any.
ghc does not know how to display an SqlError
on the screen
when it occurs. While the exception will cause the program to
terminate, it will not display a useful message. Here's an
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
quickQuery' conn "SELECT * from test2" []
*** Exception: (unknown)ghci>
disconnect conn
Here we tried to SELECT data from a table that didn't exist.
The error message we got back wasn't helpful. There's a
utility function, handleSqlError
, that will catch an
and re-raise it as an IOError
. In this form, it
will be printable on-screen, but it will be more difficult to
extract specific pieces of information programmatically.
Let's look at its usage:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test1.db"
handleSqlError $ quickQuery' conn "SELECT * from test2" []
*** Exception: user error (SQL error: SqlError {seState = "", seNativeError = 1, seErrorMsg = "prepare 20: SELECT * from test2: no such table: test2"})ghci>
disconnect conn
Here we got more information, including even a message saying
that there is no such table as test2. This is much more
helpful. Many HDBC programmers make it a standard practice to
start their programs with main = handleSqlError $
, which will ensure that every un-caught
will be printed in a helpful manner.
There are also catchSql
-- similar to the standard
and handle
functions. catchSql
will intercept only HDBC errors.
For more information on error handling, refer to
Chapter 19, Error handling.
[49] The O'Reilly books Learning SQL and SQL in a Nutshell may be useful if you don't have experience wiht SQL.
[50] This assumes you restrict yourself to using standard SQL.
[51] For more information on installing Haskell software, please refer to the section called “Installing Haskell software”.
[52] HDBC emulates this behavior for databases that do not provide it, providing programmers a unified API for running queries repeatedly.