Table of Contents
Although lists and tuples are useful, we'll often want to construct new data types of our own. This allows us to add structure to the values in our programs. Instead of using an anonymous tuple, we can give a collection of related values a name and a distinct type. Defining our own types also improves the type safety of our code: Haskell will not allow us to accidentally mix values of two types that are structurally similar but have different names.
For motivation, we'll consider a few kinds of data that a small online bookstore might need to manage. We won't make any attempt at complete or realistic data definitions, but at least we're tying them to the real world.
We define a new data type using the data
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs data BookInfo = Book Int String [String] deriving (Show)
The BookInfo after the
keyword is the name of our new type. We call
BookInfo a type constructor.
Once we have defined a type, we will use its type
constructor to refer to it.
As we've already mentioned, a type name, and hence a type
constructor, must start with a capital letter.
The Book
that follows is the name of the
value constructor (sometimes called a data
constructor). We use this to create a value of the
BookInfo type. A value constructor's name must
also start with a capital letter.
After Book
, the Int,
String, and [String] that follow are
the components of the type. A component
serves the same purpose in Haskell as a field in a structure or
class would in another language: it's a “slot”
where we keep a value. (We'll often refer to components as
In this example, the Int represents a book's identifier (e.g. in a stock database), String its title, and [String] the names of its authors.
To make the link to a concept we've already seen, the BookInfo type contains the same components as a 3-tuple of type (Int, String, [String]), but it has a distinct type. We can't accidentally (or deliberately) use one in a context where the other is expected. For instance, a bookstore is also likely to carry magazines.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs data MagazineInfo = Magazine Int String [String] deriving (Show)
Even though this MagazineInfo type has the same structure as our BookInfo type, Haskell treats the types as distinct because their type and value constructors have different names.
![]() | Deriving what? |
We'll explain the full meaning of |
We can create a new value of type
BookInfo by treating Book
as a
function, and applying it with arguments of types
Int, String, and
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs myInfo = Book 9780135072455 "Algebra of Programming" ["Richard Bird", "Oege de Moor"]
Once we have defined a type, we can experiment with it in ghci. We begin by using the :load command to load our source file.
:load BookStore
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( BookStore.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Remember the myInfo
variable we
defined in our source file? Here it is.
Book 9780135072455 "Algebra of Programming" ["Richard Bird","Oege de Moor"]ghci>
:type myInfo
myInfo :: BookInfo
We can construct new values interactively in ghci, too.
Book 0 "The Book of Imaginary Beings" ["Jorge Luis Borges"]
Book 0 "The Book of Imaginary Beings" ["Jorge Luis Borges"]
The ghci command :type lets us see what the type of an expression is.
:type Book 1 "Cosmicomics" ["Italo Calvino"]
Book 1 "Cosmicomics" ["Italo Calvino"] :: BookInfo
Remember that if we want to define a new variable inside
ghci, the syntax is slightly different from that of a Haskell
source file: we need to put a let
in front.
let cities = Book 173 "Use of Weapons" ["Iain M. Banks"]
To find out more about a type, we can use some of ghci's browsing capabilities. The :info command gets ghci to tell us everything it knows about a name.
:info BookInfo
data BookInfo = Book Int String [String] -- Defined at BookStore.hs:4:5-12 instance Show BookInfo -- Defined at BookStore.hs:4:5-12
We can also find out why we use
to construct a new value of type
:type Book
Book :: Int -> String -> [String] -> BookInfo
We can treat a value constructor as just another function, one that happens to create and return a new value of the type we desire.
When we introduced the type BookStore, we
deliberately chose to give the type constructor
BookStore a different name from the value
constructor Book
, purely to make it obvious which
was which.
However, in Haskell, the names of types and values are independent of each other. We only use a type constructor (i.e. the type's name) in a type declaration or a type signature. We only use a value constructor in actual code. Because these uses are distinct, there is no ambiguity if we give a type constructor and a value constructor the same name. If we are writing a type signature, we must be referring to a type constructor. If we are writing an expression, we must be using the value constructor.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs -- We will introduce the CustomerID type shortly. data BookReview = BookReview BookInfo CustomerID String
This definition says that the type named
BookReview has a value constructor that is also
named BookReview
Not only is it legal for a value constructor to have the same name as its type constructor, it's normal: you'll see this all the time in regular Haskell code.
We can introduce a synonym for an existing type at any time, to give a type a more descriptive name. For example, the String in our BookReview type doesn't tell us what the string is for, but we can clarify this.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs type CustomerID = Int type ReviewBody = String data BetterReview = BetterReview BookInfo CustomerID ReviewBody
The type
keyword introduces a type synonym. The new name
is on the left of the =
, with the existing name on
the right. The two names identify the same type, so type
synonyms are purely for making code more
We can also use a type synonym to create a shorter name for a verbose type.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs type BookRecord = (BookInfo, BookReview)
This states that we can use BookRecord as a synonym for the tuple (BookInfo, BookReview). A type synonym only creates a new name that refers to an existing type[7]. We still use the same value constructors to create a value of the type.
The familiar Bool is the simplest common example of a category of type called an algebraic data type. An algebraic data type can have more than one value constructor.
-- file: ch03/Bool.hs data Bool = False | True
The Bool type has two value
constructors, True
and False
. Each
value constructor is separated in the definition by a
character, which we can read as
“or”: we can construct a Bool that has
the value True
, or the value False
When a type has more than one value constructor, they are
usually referred to as alternatives or
cases. We can use any one of the
alternatives to create a value of that type.
Each of an algebraic data type's value constructors can take zero or more arguments. As an example, here's one way we might represent billing information.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs type CardHolder = String type CardNumber = String type Address = [String] data BillingInfo = CreditCard CardNumber CardHolder Address | CashOnDelivery | Invoice CustomerID deriving (Show)
Here, we're saying that we support three ways to
bill our customers. If they want to pay by credit card, they
must supply a card number, the holder's name, and the holder's
billing address as arguments to the CreditCard
value constructor. Alternatively, they can pay the person who
delivers their shipment. Since we don't need to store any extra
information about this, we specify no arguments for the
constructor. Finally, we can send an
invoice to the specified customer, in which case we need their
CustomerID as an argument to the
When we use a value constructor to create a value of type BillingInfo, we must supply the arguments that it requires.
:type CreditCard
CreditCard :: CardNumber -> CardHolder -> Address -> BillingInfoghci>
CreditCard "2901650221064486" "Thomas Gradgrind" ["Dickens", "England"]
CreditCard "2901650221064486" "Thomas Gradgrind" ["Dickens","England"]ghci>
:type it
it :: BillingInfoghci>
<interactive>:1:0: No instance for (Show (CustomerID -> BillingInfo)) arising from a use of `print' at <interactive>:1:0-6 Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (CustomerID -> BillingInfo)) In the expression: print it In a 'do' expression: print itghci>
:type it
it :: BillingInfo
The No instance
error message arose because we
did not supply an argument to the Invoice
constructor. As a result, we were trying to print the
constructor itself. That constructor
requires an argument and returns a value, so it is a function.
We cannot print functions in Haskell, which is ultimately why
the interpreter complained.
There is some overlap between tuples and user-defined algebraic data types. If we wanted to, we could represent our BookInfo type from earlier as an (Int, String, [String]) tuple.
Book 2 "The Wealth of Networks" ["Yochai Benkler"]
Book 2 "The Wealth of Networks" ["Yochai Benkler"]ghci>
(2, "The Wealth of Networks", ["Yochai Benkler"])
(2,"The Wealth of Networks",["Yochai Benkler"])
Algebraic data types allow us to distinguish between otherwise identical pieces of information. Two tuples with elements of the same type are structurally identical, so they have the same type.
-- file: ch03/Distinction.hs a = ("Porpoise", "Grey") b = ("Table", "Oak")
Since they have different names, two algebraic data types have distinct types, even if they are otherwise structurally equivalent.
-- file: ch03/Distinction.hs data Cetacean = Cetacean String String data Furniture = Furniture String String c = Cetacean "Porpoise" "Grey" d = Furniture "Table" "Oak"
This lets us bring the type system to bear in writing programs with fewer bugs. With the tuples we defined above, we could conveivably pass a description of a whale to a function expecting a chair, and the type system could not help us. With the algebraic data types, there is no such possibility of confusion.
Here is a more subtle example. Consider the following representations of a two-dimensional vector.
-- file: ch03/AlgebraicVector.hs -- x and y coordinates or lengths. data Cartesian2D = Cartesian2D Double Double deriving (Eq, Show) -- Angle and distance (magnitude). data Polar2D = Polar2D Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
The Cartesian and polar forms use the same types for their two elements. However, the meanings of the elements are different. Because Cartesian2D and Polar2D are distinct types, the type system will not let us accidentally use a Cartesian2D value where a Polar2D is expected, or vice versa.
Cartesian2D (sqrt 2) (sqrt 2) == Polar2D (pi / 4) 2
<interactive>:1:33: Couldn't match expected type `Cartesian2D' against inferred type `Polar2D' In the second argument of `(==)', namely `Polar2D (pi / 4) 2' In the expression: Cartesian2D (sqrt 2) (sqrt 2) == Polar2D (pi / 4) 2 In the definition of `it': it = Cartesian2D (sqrt 2) (sqrt 2) == Polar2D (pi / 4) 2
The (==)
operator requires its
arguments to have the same type.
If we used tuples to represent these values, we could quickly land ourselves in hot water by mixing the two representations inappropriately.
(1, 2) == (1, 2)
The type system can't rescue us here: as far as
it's concerned, we're comparing two (Double,
Double) pairs, which is a perfectly valid thing to
do. Indeed, we cannot tell by inspection which of these
values is supposed to be polar or Cartesian, but
has a different meaning in each
There is no hard and fast rule for deciding when
it's better to use a tuple or a distinct data type, but here's
a rule of thumb to follow. If you're using compound values
widely in your code (as almost all non-trivial programs do),
adding data
declarations will benefit you in both type
safety and readability. For smaller, localised uses, a tuple
is usually fine.
Algebraic data types provide a single powerful way to describe data types. Other languages often need several different features to achieve the same degree of expressiveness. Here are some analogues from C and C++, which might make it clearer what we can do with algebraic data types, and how they relate to concepts that might be more familiar.
With just one constructor, an algebraic data
type is similar to a tuple: it groups related values
together into a compound value. It corresponds to a
in C or C++, and its components
correspond to the fields of a struct
. Here's a
C equivalent of the BookInfo type that we
defined earlier.
struct book_info { int id; char *name; char **authors; };
The main difference between the two is that the fields in the Haskell type are anonymous and positional.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs data BookInfo = Book Int String [String] deriving (Show)
By positional, we mean that the section number is in the first field of the Haskell type, and the title is in the second. We refer to them by location, not by name.
In the section called “Pattern matching”, we'll see how to access the fields of a BookStore value. In the section called “Record syntax”, we'll introduce an alternate syntax for defining data types that looks a little more C-like.
Algebraic data types also serve where we'd use
an enum
in C or C++, to represent a range of
symbolic values. Such algebraic data types are sometimes
referred to as enumeration types. Here's an example from
enum roygbiv { red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, };
And here's a Haskell equivalent.
-- file: ch03/Roygbiv.hs data Roygbiv = Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Indigo | Violet deriving (Eq, Show)
:type Yellow
Yellow :: Roygbivghci>
:type Red
Red :: Roygbivghci>
Red == Yellow
Green == Green
In C, the elements of an enum
are integers.
We can use an integer in a context where an
is expected, and vice versa: a C compiler
will automatically convert values between the two types.
This can be a source of nasty bugs. In Haskell, this kind
of problem does not occur. For example, we cannot use a
Roygbiv value where an Int
take 3 "foobar"
take Red "foobar"
<interactive>:1:5: Couldn't match expected type `Int' against inferred type `Roygbiv' In the first argument of `take', namely `Red' In the expression: take Red "foobar" In the definition of `it': it = take Red "foobar"
If an algebraic data type has multiple
alternatives, we can think of it as similar to a
in C or C++. A big difference between
the two is that a union doesn't tell us which alternative is
actually present; we have to explicitly and manually track
which alternative we're using, usually in another field of
an enclosing struct. This means that unions can be sources
of nasty bugs, where our notion of which alternative we
should be using is incorrect.
enum shape_type { shape_circle, shape_poly, }; struct circle { struct vector centre; float radius; }; struct poly { size_t num_vertices; struct vector *vertices; }; struct shape { enum shape_type type; union { struct circle circle; struct poly poly; } shape; };
In the example above, the union
can contain
valid data for either a struct circle
or a
struct poly
. We have to use the enum
by hand to indicate which kind of value
is currently stored in the union
The Haskell version of this code is both dramatically shorter and safer than the C equivalent.
-- file: ch03/ShapeUnion.hs type Vector = (Double, Double) data Shape = Circle Vector Double | Poly [Vector]
If we create a Shape value using
the Circle
constructor, the fact that we
created a Circle
is stored. When we later use
a Circle
, we can't accidentally treat it as a
. We will see why in the section called “Pattern matching”
Now that we've seen how to construct values with algebraic data types, let's discuss how we work with these values. If we have a value of some type, there are two things we would like to be able to do.
Haskell has a simple, but tremendously useful, pattern matching facility that lets us do both of these things.
A pattern lets us look inside a value and bind
variables to the data it contains. Here's an example of pattern
matching in action on a Bool value: we're going to
reproduce the not
-- file: ch03/add.hs myNot True = False myNot False = True
It might seem that we have two functions named
here, but Haskell lets us define a
function as a series of equations: these
two clauses are defining the behavior of the same function for
different patterns of input. On each line, the patterns are the
items following the function name, up until the =
To understand how pattern matching works, let's step through
an example, say myNot False
When we apply myNot
, the
Haskell runtime checks the value we supply against the value
constructor in the first pattern. This does not match, so it
tries against the second pattern. That match succeeds, so it
uses the right hand side of that equation as the result of the
function application.
Here is a slightly more extended example. This function adds together the elements of a list.
-- file: ch03/add.hs sumList (x:xs) = x + sumList xs sumList [] = 0
Let us step through the evaluation of sumList
. The list notation [1,2]
shorthand for the expression (1:(2:[]))
. We begin
by trying to match the pattern in the first equation of the
definition of sumList
. In the (x:xs)
pattern, the “:
” is the familiar list
constructor, (:)
. We are now using it to
match against a value, not to construct one. The value
was constructed with (:)
so the constructor in the value matches the constructor in the
pattern. We say that the pattern matches,
or that the match succeeds.
The variables x
and xs
are now “bound to” the constructor's arguments, so
is given the value 1
, and
the value 2:[]
The expression we are now evaluating is 1 +
sumList (2:[])
. We must now recursively apply
to the value 2:[]
Once again, this was constructed using (:)
, so the
match succeeds. In our recursive application of
, x
is now bound
to 2
, and xs
We are now evaluating 1 + (2 + sumList
. In this recursive application of
, the value we are matching against
is []
. The value's constructor does not match the
constructor in the first pattern, so we skip this equation.
Instead, we “fall through” to the next pattern,
which matches. The right hand side of this equation is thus
chosen as the result of this application.
The result of sumList [1,2]
is thus
1 + (2 + (0))
, or 3
As a final note, there already exists a standard function,
, that performs this sum-of-a-list
for us. Our sumList
is purely for
Let's step back and take a look at the relationship between constructing a value and pattern matching on it.
We apply a value constructor to build a value.
The expression Book 9 "Close Calls" ["John Long"]
applies the Book
constructor to the
values 9
, "Close Calls"
, and
["John Long"]
to produce a new value of type
When we pattern match against the
constructor, we
reverse the construction process. First
of all, we check to see if the value was created using that
constructor. If it was, we inspect it to obtain the individual
values that we originally supplied to the constructor when we
created the value.
Let's consider what happens if we match the pattern
(Book id name authors)
against our example
Because pattern matching acts as the inverse of construction, it's sometimes referred to as deconstruction.
The syntax for pattern matching on a tuple is similar to the syntax for constructing a tuple. Here's a function that returns the last element of a 3-tuple.
-- file: ch03/Tuple.hs third (a, b, c) = c
There's no limit on how “deep” within a value a pattern can look. This definition looks both inside a tuple and inside a list within that tuple.
-- file: ch03/Tuple.hs complicated (True, a, x:xs, 5) = (a, xs)
We can try this out interactively.
:load Tuple.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Tuple.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main.ghci>
complicated (True, 1, [1,2,3], 5)
Wherever a literal value is present in a pattern
and 5
in the tuple
pattern above), that value must match exactly for the pattern
match to succeed. If every pattern within a series of
equations fails to match, we get a runtime error.
complicated (False, 1, [1,2,3], 5)
*** Exception: Tuple.hs:10:0-39: Non-exhaustive patterns in function complicated
For an explanation of this error message, skip forward a little, to the section called “Exhaustive patterns and wild cards”.
We can pattern match on an algebraic data type using its value constructors. Recall the BookInfo type we defined earlier: we can extract the values from a BookInfo as follows.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs bookID (Book id title authors) = id bookTitle (Book id title authors) = title bookAuthors (Book id title authors) = authors
bookID (Book 3 "Probability Theory" ["E.T.H. Jaynes"])
bookTitle (Book 3 "Probability Theory" ["E.T.H. Jaynes"])
"Probability Theory"ghci>
bookAuthors (Book 3 "Probability Theory" ["E.T.H. Jaynes"])
["E.T.H. Jaynes"]
The compiler can infer the types of the accessor functions based on the constructor we're using in our pattern.
:type bookID
bookID :: BookInfo -> Intghci>
:type bookTitle
bookTitle :: BookInfo -> Stringghci>
:type bookAuthors
bookAuthors :: BookInfo -> [String]
If we use a literal value in a pattern, the
corresponding part of the value we're matching against must contain
an identical value. For instance, the pattern (3:xs)
first of all
checks that a value is a non-empty list, by matching against
the (:)
constructor. It also ensures that
the head of the list has the exact value
. If both of these conditions hold, the
tail of the list will be bound to the variable
As you read functions that match on lists, you'll
frequently find that the names of the variables inside a
pattern resemble (x:xs)
or (d:ds)
This is a popular naming convention. The idea is that the name
has an “s
” on
the end of its name as if it's the “plural” of
, because x
the head of the list, and xs
the remaining
We can indicate that we don't care what is
present in part of a pattern. The notation for this is the
underscore character “_
”, which we
call a wild card. We use it as
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs nicerID (Book id _ _ ) = id nicerTitle (Book _ title _ ) = title nicerAuthors (Book _ _ authors) = authors
Here, we have tidier versions of the accessor functions we introduced earlier. Now, there's no question about which element we're using in each function.
In a pattern, a wild card acts similarly to a variable, but it doesn't bind a new variable. As the examples above indicate, we can use more than one wild card in a single pattern.
Another advantage of wild cards is that a Haskell compiler can warn us if we introduce a variable name in a pattern, but do not use it in a function's body. Defining a variable, but forgetting to use it, can often indicate the presence of a bug, so this is a helpful feature. If we use a wild card instead of a variable that we do not intend to use, the compiler won't complain.
When writing a series of patterns, it's important to cover
all of a type's constructors. For example, if we're
inspecting a list, we should have one equation that matches
the non-empty constructor (:)
, and one
that matches the empty-list constructor
Let's see what happens if we fail to cover all
the cases. Here, we deliberately omit a check for the
-- file: ch03/BadPattern.hs badExample (x:xs) = x + badExample xs
If we apply this to a value that it cannot match, we'll get an error at runtime: our software has a bug!
badExample []
*** Exception: BadPattern.hs:4:0-36: Non-exhaustive patterns in function badExample
In this example, no equation in the function's
definition matches the value []
If we need to provide a default behavior in cases where we don't care about specific constructors, we can use a wild card pattern.
-- file: ch03/BadPattern.hs goodExample (x:xs) = x + goodExample xs goodExample _ = 0
The wild card above will match the []
constructor, so applying this function does not lead to a
goodExample []
goodExample [1,2]
Writing accessor functions for each of a data type's components can be repetitive and tedious.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs nicerID (Book id _ _ ) = id nicerTitle (Book _ title _ ) = title nicerAuthors (Book _ _ authors) = authors
We call this kind of code boilerplate: necessary, but bulky and irksome. Haskell programmers don't like boilerplate. Fortunately, the language addresses this particular boilerplate problem: we can define a data type, and accessors for each of its components, simultaneously. (The positions of the commas here is a matter of preference. If you like, put them at the end of a line instead of the beginning.)
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs data Customer = Customer { customerID :: CustomerID , customerName :: String , customerAddress :: Address } deriving (Show)
This is almost exactly identical in meaning to the following, more familiar form.
-- file: ch03/AltCustomer.hs data Customer = Customer Int String [String] deriving (Show) customerID :: Customer -> Int customerID (Customer id _ _) = id customerName :: Customer -> String customerName (Customer _ name _) = name customerAddress :: Customer -> [String] customerAddress (Customer _ _ address) = address
For each of the fields that we name in our type definition, Haskell creates an accessor function of that name.
:type customerID
customerID :: Customer -> CustomerID
We can still use the usual application syntax to create a value of this type.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs customer1 = Customer 271828 "J.R. Hacker" ["255 Syntax Ct", "Milpitas, CA 95134", "USA"]
Record syntax adds a more verbose notation for creating a value. This can sometimes make code more readable.
-- file: ch03/BookStore.hs customer2 = Customer { customerID = 271828 , customerAddress = ["1048576 Disk Drive", "Milpitas, CA 95134", "USA"] , customerName = "Jane Q. Citizen" }
If we use this form, we can vary the order in which we list fields. Here, we have moved the name and address fields from their positions in the declaration of the type.
When we define a type using record syntax, it also changes the way the type's values are printed.
Customer {customerID = 271828, customerName = "J.R. Hacker", customerAddress = ["255 Syntax Ct","Milpitas, CA 95134","USA"]}
For comparison, let's look at a BookInfo value; we defined this type without record syntax.
Book 173 "Use of Weapons" ["Iain M. Banks"]
The accessor functions that we get “for free” when we use record syntax really are normal Haskell functions.
:type customerName
customerName :: Customer -> Stringghci>
customerName customer1
"J.R. Hacker"
The standard System.Time
module makes good
use of record syntax. Here's a type defined in that module:
data CalendarTime = CalendarTime { ctYear :: Int, ctMonth :: Month, ctDay, ctHour, ctMin, ctSec :: Int, ctPicosec :: Integer, ctWDay :: Day, ctYDay :: Int, ctTZName :: String, ctTZ :: Int, ctIsDST :: Bool }
In the absence of record syntax, it would be painful to extract specific fields from a type like this. The notation makes it easier to work with large structures.
We've repeatedly mentioned that the list type is polymorphic: the elements of a list can be of any type. We can also add polymorphism to our own types. To do this, we introduce type variables into a type declaration. The Prelude defines a type named Maybe: we can use this to represent a value that could be either present or missing, e.g. a field in a database row that could be null.
-- file: ch03/Nullable.hs data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
Here, the variable a
is not a regular variable: it's a type
variable. It indicates that the Maybe type takes
another type as its parameter. This lets us use
Maybe on values of any type.
-- file: ch03/Nullable.hs someBool = Just True someString = Just "something"
As usual, we can experiment with this type in ghci.
Just 1.5
Just 1.5ghci>
:type Just "invisible bike"
Just "invisible bike" :: Maybe [Char]
Maybe is a polymorphic, or generic, type. We give the Maybe type constructor a parameter to create a specific type, such as Maybe Int or Maybe [Bool]. As we might expect, these types are distinct.
We can nest uses of parameterised types inside each other, but when we do, we may need to use parentheses to tell the Haskell compiler how to parse our expression.
-- file: ch03/Nullable.hs wrapped = Just (Just "wrapped")
To once again extend an analogy to more familiar languages, parameterised types bear some resemblance to templates in C++, and to generics in Java. Just be aware that this is a shallow analogy. Templates and generics were added to their respective languages long after the languages were initially defined, and have an awkward feel. Haskell's parameterised types are simpler and easier to use, as the language was designed with them from the beginning.
The familiar list type is recursive:
it's defined in terms of itself. To understand this,
let's create our own list-like type. We'll use
in place of the (:)
constructor, and Nil
in place of
-- file: ch03/ListADT.hs data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil deriving (Show)
Because List a appears on both the
left and the right of the =
sign, the type's
definition refers to itself. If we want to use the
constructor to create a new value, we must
supply one value of type a
, and
another of type List a
. Let's see
where this leads us in practice.
The simplest value of type List a
that we can create is Nil
. Save the type
definition in a file, then load it into ghci.
Because Nil
has a List
type, we can use it as a parameter to Cons
Cons 0 Nil
Cons 0 Nil
And because Cons 0 Nil
has the type List
a, we can use this as a parameter to
Cons 1 it
Cons 1 (Cons 0 Nil)ghci>
Cons 2 it
Cons 2 (Cons 1 (Cons 0 Nil))ghci>
Cons 3 it
Cons 3 (Cons 2 (Cons 1 (Cons 0 Nil)))
We could continue in this fashion indefinitely,
creating ever longer Cons
chains, each with a
single Nil
at the end.
For a third example of what a recursive type is, here is a definition of a binary tree type.
-- file: ch03/Tree.hs data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty deriving (Show)
A binary tree is either a node with two children, which are themselves binary trees, or an empty value.
This time, let's search for insight by comparing our definition with one from a more familiar language. Here's a similar class definition in Java.
class Tree<A> { A value; Tree<A> left; Tree<A> right; public Tree(A v, Tree<A> l, Tree<A> r) { value = v; left = l; right = r; } }
The one significant difference is that Java lets us use the
special value null
anywhere to indicate
“nothing”, so we can use null
indicate that a node is missing a left or right child. Here's a
small function that constructs a tree with two leaves (a leaf,
by convention, has no children).
class Example { static Tree<String> simpleTree() { return new Tree<String>( "parent", new Tree<String>("left leaf", null, null), new Tree<String>("right leaf", null, null)); } }
In Haskell, we don't have an equivalent of
. We could use the Maybe type to
provide a similar effect, but that bloats the pattern matching.
Instead, we've decided to use a no-argument Empty
constructor. Where the Java example provides null
to the Tree constructor, we supply
in Haskell.
-- file: ch03/Tree.hs simpleTree = Node "parent" (Node "left child" Empty Empty) (Node "right child" Empty Empty)
Haskell provides a standard function,
error :: String -> a
, that we can call
when something has gone terribly wrong in our code. We give it
a string parameter, which is the error message to display. Its
type signature looks peculiar: how can it produce a value of any
type a
given only a string?
It has a result type of a
so that we can call it anywhere and it
will always have the right type. However, it does not return a
value like a normal function: instead, it immediately
aborts evaluation, and prints the error message we
give it.
The mySecond
function returns
the second element of its input list, but fails if its input
list isn't long enough.
-- file: ch03/MySecond.hs mySecond :: [a] -> a mySecond xs = if null (tail xs) then error "list too short" else head (tail xs)
As usual, we can see how this works in practice in ghci.
mySecond "xi"
mySecond [2]
*** Exception: list too shortghci>
head (mySecond [[9]])
*** Exception: list too short
Notice the third case above, where we
try to use the result of the call to
as the argument to another
function. Evaluation still terminates and drops us back to the
ghci prompt. This is the major weakness of using
: it doesn't let our caller
distinguish between a recoverable error and a problem so severe
that it really should terminate our program.
As we have already seen, a pattern matching failure causes a similar unrecoverable error.
mySecond []
*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list
We can use the Maybe type to represent the possibility of an error.
If we want to indicate that an operation has
failed, we can use the Nothing
constructor. Otherwise, we wrap our value with the
Let's see how our mySecond
changes if we return a Maybe value instead of
calling error
-- file: ch03/MySecond.hs safeSecond :: [a] -> Maybe a safeSecond [] = Nothing safeSecond xs = if null (tail xs) then Nothing else Just (head (tail xs))
If the list we're passed is too short, we return
to our caller. This lets them decide what
to do, where a call to error
would force
a crash.
safeSecond []
safeSecond [1]
safeSecond [1,2]
Just 2ghci>
safeSecond [1,2,3]
Just 2
To return to an earlier topic, we can further improve the readability of this function with pattern matching.
-- file: ch03/MySecond.hs tidySecond :: [a] -> Maybe a tidySecond (_:x:_) = Just x tidySecond _ = Nothing
The first pattern only matches if the list is at least two
elements long (it contains two list constructors), and it
binds the variable x
to the list's second
element. The second pattern is matched if the first
Within the body of a function, we can introduce
new local variables whenever we need them, using a let
expression. Here is a simple function that determines whether
we should lend some money to a customer. We meet a money
reserve of at least 100, we return our new balance after
subtracting the amount we have loaned.
-- file: ch03/Lending.hs lend amount balance = let reserve = 100 newBalance = balance - amount in if balance < reserve then Nothing else Just newBalance
The keywords to look out for here are let
, which
starts a block of variable declarations, and in
which ends it. Each line introduces a new variable. The name
is on the left of the =
, and the expression
to which it is bound is on the right.
![]() | Special notes |
Let us re-emphasise our wording: a name in a
When we define a variable in a Also, our use of white space here is important. We'll talk in more detail about the layout rules in the section called “The offside rule and white space in an expression”. |
We can use the names of a variable in a let
block both within the block of declarations and in the
expression that follows the in
In general, we'll refer to the places within our code where we can use a name as the name's scope. If we can use a name, it's in scope, otherwise it's out of scope. If a name is visible throughout a source file, we say it's at the top level.
We can “nest” multiple let
inside each other in an expression.
-- file: ch03/NestedLets.hs foo = let a = 1 in let b = 2 in a + b
It's perfectly legal, but not exactly wise, to
repeat a variable name in a nested let
-- file: ch03/NestedLets.hs bar = let x = 1 in ((let x = "foo" in x), x)
Here, the inner x
is hiding,
or shadowing, the outer
. It has the same name, but a different
type and value.
We can also shadow a function's parameters, leading to even stranger results. What is the type of this function?
-- file: ch03/NestedLets.hs quux a = let a = "foo" in a ++ "eek!"
Because the function's argument
is never used in the body of the
function, due to being shadowed by the let
, the argument can have any type at
:type quux
quux :: t -> [Char]
We can use another mechanism to
introduce local variables: the where
clause. The
definitions in a where
clause apply to the code that
precedes it. Here's a similar function
to lend
, using where
instead of let
-- file: ch03/Lending.hs lend2 amount balance = if amount < reserve * 0.5 then Just newBalance else Nothing where reserve = 100 newBalance = balance - amount
While a where
clause may initially seem weird,
it offers a wonderful aid to readability. It lets us direct
our reader's focus to the important details of an expression,
with the supporting definitions following afterwards. After a
while, you may find yourself missing where
clauses in
languages that lack them.
As with let
expressions, white space is
significant in where
clauses. We will talk more about
the layout rules shortly, in the section called “The offside rule and white space in an expression”.
You'll have noticed that Haskell's syntax for
defining a variable looks very similar to its syntax for
defining a function. This symmetry is preserved in let
blocks: we can define local
functions just as easily as local
-- file: ch03/LocalFunction.hs pluralise :: String -> [Int] -> [String] pluralise word counts = map plural counts where plural 0 = "no " ++ word ++ "s" plural 1 = "one " ++ word plural n = show n ++ " " ++ word ++ "s"
We have defined a local function,
, that consists of several
equations. Local functions can freely use variables from the
scopes that enclose them: here, we use word
from the definition of the outer function
. In the definition of
, the map
function (which we'll be revisiting in the next chapter)
applies the local function plural
every element of the counts
We can also define variables, as well as functions, at the top level of a source file.
-- file: ch03/GlobalVariable.hs itemName = "Weighted Companion Cube"
In our definitions of lend
and lend2
, the left margin of our text
wandered around quite a bit. This was not an accident: in
Haskell, white space has meaning.
Haskell uses indentation as a cue to parse sections of code. This use of layout to convey structure is sometimes called the offside rule. At the beginning of a source file, the first top level declaration or definition can start in any column, and the Haskell compiler or interpreter remembers that indentation level. Every subsequent top level declaration must have the same indentation.
Here's an illustration of the top level
indentation rule. Our first file,
, is well behaved.
-- file: ch03/GoodIndent.hs -- This is the leftmost column. -- It's fine for top-level declarations to start in any column... firstGoodIndentation = 1 -- ...provided all subsequent declarations do, too! secondGoodIndentation = 2
Our second, BadIndent.hs
, doesn't play
by the rules.
-- file: ch03/BadIndent.hs -- This is the leftmost column. -- Our first declaration is in column 4. firstBadIndentation = 1 -- Our second is left of the first, which is illegal! secondBadIndentation = 2
Here's what happens when we try to load the two files into ghci.
:load GoodIndent.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( GoodIndent.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main.ghci>
:load BadIndent.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( BadIndent.hs, interpreted ) BadIndent.hs:8:2: parse error on input `secondBadIndentation' Failed, modules loaded: none.
An empty following line is treated as a continuation of the current item, as is a following line indented further to the right.
The rules for let
expressions and where
clauses are similar. After a let
or where
keyword, the
Haskell compiler or interpreter remembers the indentation of the
next token it sees. If the line that follows is empty, or its
indentation is further to the right, it is considered to
continue the previous line. If the indentation is the same as
the start of the preceding item, this is treated as beginning a
new item in the same block.
-- file: ch03/Indentation.hs foo = let firstDefinition = blah blah -- a comment-only line is treated as empty continuation blah -- we reduce the indentation, so this is a new definition secondDefinition = yada yada continuation yada in whatever
Here are nested uses of let
-- file: ch03/letwhere.hs bar = let b = 2 c = True in let a = b in (a, c)
The name a
is only visible
within the inner let
expression. It's not visible
in the outer let
. If we try to use the name
there, we'll get a compilation
error. The indentation gives both us and the compiler a visual
cue as to what is currently in scope.
-- file: ch03/letwhere.hs foo = x where x = y where y = 2
Similarly, the scope of the first where
is the definition of foo
, but the scope of
the second is just the first where
The indentation we use for the let
clauses makes our intentions easy to figure
If you use a Haskell-aware text editor (e.g. Emacs), it is probably already configured to use space characters for all white space when you edit Haskell source files. If your editor is not Haskell-aware, you should configure it to only use space characters.
The reason for this is portability. In an editor that uses a fixed-width font, tab stops are by convention placed at different intervals on Unix-like systems (every eight characters) than on Windows (every four characters). This means that no matter what your personal beliefs are about where tabs belong, you can't rely on someone else's editor honouring your preferences. Any indentation that uses tabs is going to look broken under someone's configuration. In fact, this could lead to compilation problems, as the Haskell language standard requires implementations to use the Unix tab width convention. Using space characters avoids this problem entirely.
We can use explicit structuring instead of layout to
indicate what we mean. To do so, we start a block of
equations with an opening curly brace; separate each item with
a semicolon; and finish the block with a closing curly brace.
The following two uses of let
have the same
-- file: ch03/Braces.hs bar = let a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 in a + b + c foo = let { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3 } in a + b + c
When we use explicit structuring, the normal layout rules
don't apply, which is why we can get away with unusual
indentation in the second let
We can use explicit structuring anywhere that we'd
normally use layout. It's valid for where
clauses, and even top-level declarations. Just remember that
although the facility exists, explicit structuring is hardly
ever actually used in Haskell
Function definitions are not the only place where
we can use pattern matching. The case
construct lets us match
patterns within an expression. Here's what it looks like. This
function (defined for us in Data.Maybe
) unwraps a
Maybe value, using a default if the value is
-- file: ch03/Guard.hs fromMaybe defval wrapped = case wrapped of Nothing -> defval Just value -> value
The case
keyword is followed by an
arbitrary expression: the pattern match is performed against the
result of this expression. The of
keyword signifies
the end of the expression and the beginning of the block of
patterns and expressions.
Each item in the block consists of a pattern,
followed by an arrow ->
, followed by an
expression to evaluate if that pattern matches. These
expressions must all have the same type. The result of the
expression is the result of the expression
associated with the first pattern to match. Matches are
attempted from top to bottom.
To express “here's the expression to
evaluate if none of the other patterns match”, we just
use the wild card pattern _
as the last in our list
of patterns. If a pattern match fails, we will get the same
kind of runtime error as we saw earlier.
There are a few ways in which new Haskell programmers can misunderstand or misuse patterns. Here are some attempts at pattern matching gone awry. Depending on what you expect one of these examples to do, it might contain a surprise.
-- file: ch03/BogusPattern.hs data Fruit = Apple | Orange apple = "apple" orange = "orange" whichFruit :: String -> Fruit whichFruit f = case f of apple -> Apple orange -> Orange
A naive glance suggests that this code is trying
to check the value f
to see whether it
matches the value apple
It is easier to spot the mistake if we rewrite the code in an equational style.
-- file: ch03/BogusPattern.hs equational apple = Apple equational orange = Orange
Now can you see the problem? Here, it is more obvious
does not refer to the top level value
named apple
: it is a local pattern
![]() | Irrefutable patterns |
We refer to a pattern that always succeeds as
irrefutable. Plain variable names and
the wild card |
Here's a corrected version of this function.
-- file: ch03/BogusPattern.hs betterFruit f = case f of "apple" -> Apple "orange" -> Orange
We fixed the problem by matching against the
literal values "apple"
What if we want to compare the values stored in two nodes of type Tree, and return one of them if they're equal? Here's an attempt.
-- file: ch03/BadTree.hs bad_nodesAreSame (Node a _ _) (Node a _ _) = Just a bad_nodesAreSame _ _ = Nothing
A name can only appear once in a set of pattern bindings. We cannot place a variable in multiple positions to express the notion “this value and that should be identical”. Instead, we'll solve this problem using guards, another invaluable Haskell feature.
Pattern matching limites us to performing fixed tests of a value's shape. Although this is useful, we will often want to make a more expressive check before evaluating a function's body. Haskell provides a feature, guards, that give us this ability. We'll introduce the idea with a modification of the function we wrote to compare two nodes of a tree.
-- file: ch03/BadTree.hs nodesAreSame (Node a _ _) (Node b _ _) | a == b = Just a nodesAreSame _ _ = Nothing
In this example, we use pattern matching to ensure that we are looking at values of the right shape, and a guard to compare pieces of them.
A pattern can be followed by zero or more guards,
each an expression of type Bool. A guard is
introduced by a |
symbol. This is followed by the
guard expression, then an =
symbol (or
if we're in a case
expression), then the
body to use if the guard expression evaluates to
. If a pattern matches, each guard associated
with that pattern is evaluated, in the order in which they are
written. If a guard succeeds, the body affiliated with it is
used as the result of the function. If no guard succeeds,
pattern matching moves on to the next pattern.
When a guard expression is evaluated, all of the variables mentioned in the pattern with which it is associated are bound and can be used.
Here is a reworked version of our lend
function that uses guards.
-- file: ch03/Lending.hs lend3 amount balance | amount <= 0 = Nothing | amount > reserve * 0.5 = Nothing | otherwise = Just newBalance where reserve = 100 newBalance = balance - amount
The special-looking guard expression
is simply a variable bound to the
value True
, to aid readability.
We can use guards anywhere that we can use
patterns. Writing a function as a series of equations using
pattern matching and guards can make it much clearer. Remember
the myDrop
function we defined in
the section called “Conditional evaluation”?
-- file: ch02/myDrop.hs myDrop n xs = if n <= 0 || null xs then xs else myDrop (n - 1) (tail xs)
Here is a reformulation that uses patterns and guards.
-- file: ch02/myDrop.hs niceDrop n xs | n <= 0 = xs niceDrop _ [] = [] niceDrop n (_:xs) = niceDrop (n - 1) xs
This change in style lets us enumerate up
front the cases in which we expect a function to
behave differently. If we bury the decisions inside a function
as if
expressions, the code becomes harder to read.
1. | Write a function that computes the number of elements
in a list. To test it, ensure that it gives the same
answers as the standard |
2. | Add a type signature for your function to your source file. To test it, load the source file into ghci again. |
3. | Write a function that computes the mean of a list,
i.e. the sum of all elements in the list divided by its
length. (You may need to use the
4. | Turn a list into a palindrome, i.e. it should read the
same both backwards and forwards. For example, given the
list |
5. | Write a function that determines whether its input list is a palindrome. |
6. | Create a function that sorts a list of lists based on
the length of each sublist. (You may want to look at the
7. | Define a function that joins a list of lists together using a separator value. -- file: ch03/Intersperse.hs intersperse :: a -> [[a]] -> [a] The separator should appear between elements of the list, but should not follow the last element. Your function should behave as follows.
8. | Using the binary tree type that we defined earlier in
this chapter, write a function that will determine the
height of the tree. The height is the largest number of
hops from the root to an |
9. | Consider three two-dimensional points a, b, and c. If we look at the angle formed by the line segment from a to b and the line segment from b to c, it either turns left, turns right, or forms a straight line. Define a Direction data type that lets you represent these possibilities. |
10. | Write a function that calculates the turn made by three 2D points and returns a Direction. |
11. | Define a function that takes a list of 2D points and
computes the direction of each successive triple. Given
a list of points |
12. | Using the code from the preceding three exercises, implement Graham's scan algorithm for the convex hull of a set of 2D points. You can find good description of what a convex hull. is, and how the Graham scan algorithm should work, on Wikipedia. |